
The Science that studies my interests and concerns


2-Minute Read

Juan Gómez Jurado during the presentation of Reina Roja in Málaga

Any Goodreads user has access to a yearly report with some statistics and basically the covers of all the books read in one year. In order to have it the user only has to set the books as read and the read date to any time in that year.

Taking advantage of this nice feature I will summarize My 2018 in Books from Goodreads:

  • I read 7,224 pages across 56 books, a 112% of my 50 books read in 2018 goal
  • The average length was 129 pages
  • My average rating was 3.7 (up to 5)
  • The longest book I read was Patria, by Fernando Aramburu

The amount of works is not very important (because some of the 56 are comics or short stories) but still 56 books means almost 5 books per month, that translates to one book per week approximately. Not bad, taking into account the other million things that I do (or intend to do) every week.

I’m not copying here the full list, friend me on Goodreads if you are curious, but at least I want to highlight some of them.

I have included in the ranking three books by Juan Gómez Jurado, including the Top 1, so he deserves to be in the featured image of the post obtained from La Opinión de Málaga.

I’m currently reading El Emblema del Traidor also by Juan but when I finish it I will begin my 2019 reading again books by or about J.R.R. Tolkien. I miss it.

My TOP 10 read books in 2018

  1. Reina Roja by Juan Gomez-Jurado (you can read my review in Spanish in Goodreads)
  2. Travels With Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck (you can read my review here in the blog)
  3. Patria by Fernando Aramburu (you can read my review in Spanish in Goodreads)
  4. A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf (you can read my review in English in Goodreads)
  5. El rayo que no cesa by Miguel Hernández (you can read my review in Spanish in Goodreads)
  6. Poeta en Nueva York by Federico García Lorca (you can read my review in Spanish in Goodreads)
  7. Espía de Dios by Juan Gomez-Jurado
  8. Ndura: Hijo de la selva by Javier Salazar Calle (you can read my review in Spanish in Goodreads)
  9. Contrato con Dios by Juan Gomez-Jurado
  10. Intemperie by Jesús Carrasco (you can read my review in Spanish in Goodreads)
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